For eCommerce Brand Owners
Your Email & SMS Marketing Partner
Watch Your MRR Grow by 30%-40% in 75 Days or You Don’t Pay a Dime
Without spending a dime on ads or cutting into your profits with discounts, we’ll help you build your email and SMS lists, fully managed
Trusted by 20+ Brand Owners
Numbers don't lie...
Partner with a team that genuinely care for your success...
See How We’re Turning Clicks Into
Conversions With These Emails!
Partner with a team that genuinely care for your success...
Trusted by 20+ Brand Owners
Straight to the Point: This Is What We Deliver
• Full Klaviyo email and SMS management
• Optimized pop-up form creation
• 2-4 engaging email campaigns weekly
• 6+ automated flows
• Ongoing testing and optimization"
• Cross-channel marketing calendar planning
• Unlimited expert e-commerce marketing advice
Trusted by 20+ Brand Owners
Partner with a team that’s genuinely care for your success...
Trusted by 20+ Brand Owners
What Makes Us Stand Out – Straight from Our Clients
“Shahrukh and his team completely removed the stress of email marketing for me. Their ideas keep our audience engaged, and they’re always quick to respond when I need something.”
“My boy really took the time to understand our brand. Since we started working together, our email revenue has grown by 25%, and it all feels seamless.”
“The automated flows setup have been a game-changer. We’ve seen a 20% increase in email revenue, and the best part is, it feels like it’s all happening on autopilot.”
“I wasn’t expecting such quick results, but Digiriz’s automation made sales start rolling in effortlessly. It feels like email marketing finally clicked for us.”
“Before working with Digiriz, I was sending random emails with no plan. Now, every email has a purpose, and our sales have definitely increased. Plus, I’m getting more responses from happy customers.”
“Shahrukh really knows his stuff when it comes to email. Since we started, our open rates have improved by 12%, and our customers are finally engaging with our content.”
Trusted by 20+ Brand Owners
Let’s answer some questions.
We don’t charge astronomical figures for our services. It depends on exactly what your requirements are and what you need. We will be able to give you an estimate after speaking with you and knowing your requirements.
We offer full scale email and sms marketing services. Meaning you don’t have to do anything besides provide us with brand assets. You can be as involved or as little involved as you please.
Client results is our #1 Priority. We simply don’t work with everyone. If you’re qualified to work with us and we believe we can genuinely help you with your Brand’s Email & SMS then only we’ll move further in the process otherwise it’s a strict No.